SDG 1 – No Poverty
SDG 1 ‘End poverty in all its forms everywhere’ focuses on eradicating absolute poverty and reducing relative poverty though social safety nets, access to basic services and strengthening resilience to disasters.
In the updated NDC submissions, 1% of activities addressed Goal 1 compared with 2% in the first NDC submissions. In the first NDCs, countries were prioritising targets '1.2 Reduce relative poverty' (48%) and '1.5 Resilience of the poor and vulnerable (to climate events)' (30%), linking these to 'Relative poverty reduction' (41%), 'Stronger resilience against disasters and extreme natural events' (27%) and 'Extreme or absolute poverty eradication' (12%) as key strategies for climate action. In the updated NDCs, countries are prioritising targets '1.5 Resilience of the poor and vulnerable (to climate events)' (41%) and '1.3 Social protection systems' (28%), linking these to 'Stronger resilience against disasters and extreme natural events' (31%) 'Improved social protection' (23%) and 'Risk insurance systems' (15%) as key strategies for climate action.
Regarding first NDC submissions, activities related to this Goal are prioritising adaptation with 56% of the activities, while 12% focus on mitigation. Meanwhile, for updated NDC submissions 82% prioritise adaptation and 5% mitigation. The share of quantified activities has decreased from 6% in the first NDCs to 6% in the updated NDC submissions.
How do countries’ NDC activities connect with SDG 1?
Find out which specific SDG targets and individual climate actions are most important for low-carbon and climate-resilient development.
SDG targets
Climate actions
SDG target
Climate action
Segment size = Share of climate activities relating to this targets
Segment size = Share of different types of climate action
Results for the country chosen for comparison or global averages
Segment size = Relative importance
Which countries or country groupings are prioritising SDG 1?
Some SDG targets are more prominently addressed by NDC activities than others. Explore how countries or country groupings are prioritising between SDG targets and climate actions.
SDG targets
Climate actions
How do aggregated SDG 1 activities from all countries’ NDCs reflect climate action?
Explore the difference between type of climate action, share of activities with quantified targets, countries with highest number of activities for this SDG, and the most important socio-economic categories for synergies with other SDGs.
Share of activities defined as
Share of activities that are quantifiable
Top countries with highest number of activities
Top cross-cutting themes with other SDGs
other SDGs