Flag of Congo


The first NDC submission of Congo contributes the most to SDG 15 'Life on Land' (24%) and SDG 17 'Partnerships for the Goals' (17%). For SDG 15 some of the highest contributions relate to Target '15.2 Promote sustainable forest management and expansion and halt deforestation' (81%) and Target '15.1 Conserve, restore and sustainbly use inland freshwater ecosystems' (6%). Here, the main climate actions are related to 'Fuel wood consumption reduction' (31%) and 'Deforestation prevention' (15%). For SDG 17 the highest contributions relate to Target '17.6 Enhance global cooperation: technology, science and innovation' (50%) and Target '17.3 Mobilize additional financial resources for developing countries from multiple sources' (29%). Here, the main climate actions are related to '(Need for) technology transfer' (41%) and 'Financial resource mobilization' (29%).

The updated NDC submission of Congo contributes the most to SDG 13 'Climate Action' (17%) and SDG 7 'Affordable and Clean Energy' (14%). For SDG 13 the highest contributions relate to Target '13.1 Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related and natural disasters' (52%) and Target '13.3 Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change issues' (45%). Here, the main climate actions are related to 'Disaster and risk reduction' (33%) and 'Monitoring and tracking of climate change' (28%). For SDG 7 contributions relate to Target '7.2 Increase share of renewable energy' (55%) and Target '7.3 Double the rate of improvement in energy efficiency' (45%). Here, the main climate actions are related to 'Energy efficiency' (28%) and 'Clean and renewable energy' (23%).

How do activities in countries NDCs connect with the Sustainable Development Goals?

Analyse and compare how countries’ climate ambitions correspond to each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

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1No poverty2Zero hunger3Good Health and Wellbeing4Quality education5Gender equality6Clean water and sanitation7Affordable and clean energy8Decent work and economic growth9Industry, innovation and infrastructure10Reduced inequalities11Sustainable cities and communities12Responsible consumption and production13Climate action14Life below water15Life on land16Peace, justice and strong institutions17Partnerships for the goals
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The size of the coloured segments indicates how many NDC climate activities correspond to each SDG.
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The size of the coloured segments indicates how many NDC climate activities correspond to each SDG.

Can climate actions generate synergies between multiple Sustainable Development Goals?

This chart aggregates climate actions into broader socio-economic categories and enables exploration of the cross-cutting nature of climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals.

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1No poverty2Zero hunger3Good Health and Wellbeing4Quality education5Gender equality6Clean water and sanitation7Affordable and clean energy8Decent work and economic growth9Industry, innovation and infrastructure10Reduced inequalities11Sustainable cities and communities12Responsible consumption and production13Climate action14Life below water15Life on land16Peace, justice and strong institutions17Partnerships for the goalsRuralFood securityInfrastructureResilienceAgricultureMonitoring & ReviewAdaptive capacityWaterHealthGender equalitySocial inclusionResource efficiencyGood governanceHousing & BuildingsEnergyPrivate sectorEmploymentFinanceTransportCitiesAwarness raisingMarine environmentResearch & DevelopmentCoastal protectionDisaster risk reductionEcosystemsLand use & managementForests1234567891011121314151617

How are countries or country groupings prioritising the Sustainable Development Goals?

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