Evolving connections between climate action and sustainable development

Number of climate activities
Share of climate activities

How to read?
First NDCs Updated NDCs
Increase Decrease

Comparing between the First NDCs and the updated NDCs, the total number of activities has increased by 45%. Fifteen Goals have higher total number of activities. One-third of the increased activities fall under Goal 13 (Climate Action), while Goal 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions) has almost increased ten-fold, albeit from low numbers.

In terms of the relative share, seven goals have a larger share in the updated NDCs, while six goals are relatively smaller. Goals 13 and 14 (Life Below Water) have seen the most significant positive development. In contrast, Goals 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), 2 (No Hunger) and 15 (Life on Land) have the largest relative decrease in the updated NDCs.

How have priorities change over time for each SDG?

Analyse and compare the relative change in individual SDG targets and climate actions between First and Updated NDCs.

How to read?
First NDCs Updated NDCs
Increase in share of climate activities (%)
Decrease in share of climate activities (%)
No change in share of climate activities (%)

SDG targets

Climate actions

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