How to use NDC-SDG Connections

Learn how to explore and compare the thematic connections between national climate plans (NDCs) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

How to use the tool

With NDC-SDG Connections you can explore the connection between national climate plans under the Paris Agreement (NDCs) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Compare single SDGs as well as between countries, regions and common country groupings.


This first page gives you an overview of how NDC climate activities correspond with the themes of the 17 SDGs. The larger the coloured segment for an SDG, the more NDCs include activities related to it.

Use the box top left to choose a specific country's NDC. You can also select the global average for all NDCs or a country grouping (by region, by income as well as BRICS, LDCs or SIDS). If you want to compare one country or country grouping with another, select it in the "Compare to" box. The second country´s or country grouping´s data is then shown in grey. If nothing is selected for comparison, global averages are shown by default.

Move the cursor over an SDG to see a short summary. Click on the relevant coloured segment of interest for more detail about the connections related to this particular SDG.

SDG pages

On the SDG detail pages you can explore how NDCs correspond to a specific SDG and its targets.
The inner circle shows how NDC climate activities relate to specific SDG targets. The size of the segments reflects the share of all activities corresponding to this specific SDG and relating to each target.

The outer circle shows the shares of different types of climate action included in those activities. By default, it shows actions for all targets. Move the cursor over a target to see shares of actions for a specific target only. Use the country filter in red to choose a specific country or country grouping.


With the synergy page you can explore the interconnection of themes which at the same time are mentioned in countries NDCs and are of significant relevance for the SDGs. To do so we looked for broader socio-economic sectoral categories. Some are closely related to a particular SDG, some refer to many more. The synergy page therewith shows how climate action can support multiple SDGs at the same time.

Choose the country or country grouping you are interested in. By tuning the switch you are able to set the level of complexity you want to work with. The more themes per SDG you set, the more linkages appear. Your setting is narrowed to the maximum amount of themes the country or country grouping refer to.

The graph immediately shows the themes mentioned in the chosen countries NDCs as well as their linkages to single SDGs. Hover over one theme to see which SDGs the theme refers to. The bigger the themes appear, the more linkages they show to multiple SDGs. The thickness of the line indicates how many NDCs refer to a single theme.

There is no data. Why?

In case a country did not specify relevant activities in its NDC, no data is available to show. Click "How did we do this?" to learn more about the methodology behind the analysis and e.g. how “activity” or “action” are defined.

Country page

Go to the country page to search for a specific country or a country grouping by world region, by income as well as the five major emerging national economies (BRICS), least developed countries (LDCs) or Small Island Developing Countries (SIDS). Click on the country or country grouping you are interested in to enter its overview view from which you are again able to explore its corresponding activities per action or target.