Flag of El Salvador

El Salvador

The first NDC submission of El Salvador contributes highly, among others, to SDG 9 'Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure' (19%) and SDG 2 'No Hunger' (12%). For SDG 9 contributions relate to Target '9.4 Upgrade infrastructure, increase resource efficiency and adopt clean technologies' (67%) and Target '9.1 Develop resilient and sustainable infrastructure with access for all' (33%). Here, the main climate actions are related to 'Resilient infrastructures' (27%) and 'Infrastructures upgrade' (27%). For SDG 2 contributions relate to Target '2.4 Ensure sustainable agricultural practices for reselience and resource protection' (83%) and Target '2.5 Maintain genetic diversity and traditional knowledge' (17%). Here, the main climate actions are related to 'Climate-smart and sustainable agriculture' (50%) and 'Agroforestry development' (25%).

The updated NDC submission of El Salvador contributes the most to SDG 17 'Partnerships for the Goals' (29%) and SDG 11 'Sustainable Cities and Communities' (15%). For SDG 17 the highest contributions relate to Target '17.3 Mobilize additional financial resources for developing countries from multiple sources' (47%) and Target '17.4 Assist developing countries to attain long-term debt sustainabiligy and relief' (32%). Here, the main climate actions are related to 'Financial resource mobilization' (38%) and 'Capacity building in developing countries' (33%). For SDG 11 the highest contributions relate to Target '11.2 Accessible and sustainable transport systems' (36%) and Target '11.3 Inclusive and sustainable urbanization and participatory planning' (36%). Here, the main climate actions are related to 'Urban planning' (35%) and 'Use of electric vehicles' (16%).

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